Dřevařská 871/33, 602 00 Brno - Veveří, Česko
Welcome to
Dřevařská Apartment
Dear guest,
On this page, you'll find all the useful information for your stay in Brno, starting with the Wi-Fi password, through parking, to a list of unforgettable places in Brno worth visiting.
Network Wi-Fi: Lori&Obr
Password: CikoaRomijsou2roztomilousi
In your area, street parking is available nearby. Your parking zone is Zone B. Regulation only applies on business days
The parking system is divided into three visitor zones (A – red, B – green, C – blue)
The closer to the city centre, the higher the parking fee
Payment for parking can be made using a mobile app or parking meters or via SMS
Zone A - historic city centre - no entry is possible for visitors without a permit
Zone B - 60 mins - 30 CZK - payment around the clock, subscription possible
Zone C - 60 mins - 20 CZK - payment from 5pm till 6 am, otherwise FREE OF CHARGE
Regulation only applies on business days.
We are currently working on this section.
Do you need to issue an invoice with different billing details? Please fill out the following form.
We send invoices within 14 days.

Public transport in Brno and the rest of the South Moravian Region is provided by Integrovaný dopravní systém Jihomoravského kraje IDS – JMK (the South Moravian Integrated Public Transport System). Tickets are valid for any form of public transport, so you only need to pay attention to how long you are traveling (tickets are valid for specific amounts of time) and which zones you are travelling through. If you’re travelling through the city, a ticket for zones 100 and 101 is probably all you’ll need.
You can buy tickets from any of the yellow ticket vending machines located at various stops throughout the city, or you can purchase them at information centres, stations, and newsagents. If you have a Czech phone number, you can buy tickets by sending a text message or using a mobile app. You can also pay contactless in the vehicles. The entire transport system is connected with several apps, including Google Maps and Mapy.cz, so feel free to use these to plan your trip.
The motorways of Brno are its Achilles’ heel. If you really need to drive somewhere, it’s best to avoid rush hours (7 to 8 am and 3 to 5 pm). There are several paid car parks and parking structures in the centre, and there is an official park-and-ride facility at the outskirts of Brno not far from the Ústřední hřbitov (Central Cemetery) tram stop. Another popular option is parking the car at a supermarket and walking to the nearest bus, trolleybus, or tram stop nearby.
Parking system of Brno For visitors, the system is simply divided in three Visitor zones (A, B and C): In the Zone A (historic city centre), no entry is possible for visitors without a permit (except for the Veselá area which is possible to drive through, but with no parking allowed). The Zone B is a ring around the historic city centre where free parking is permitted for 60 minutes a day, then for the price of CZK 30 for each additional hour. The regulation is valid around the clock on business days.In Zone C, 60 minutes of free parking a day are possible, then for the price of CZK 20 for each additional hour. The regulation only applies from 5 PM to 6 AM on week days. To get more information (including map), please visit: https://www.parkovanivbrne.cz/en.

Food & Drinks
Brno is a true foodie heaven. You may find lots of great places almost everywhere in the city center. For the list of the best Brno restaurants, bistros, confectionaries, cafés, pubs, bars and wine bars visit: https://www.gotobrno.cz/en/taste-brno/
U Dřeváka, Dřevařská 806/22
We personally recomend you those places in the center of Brno:
Awesome Czech Cuisine: STOPKOVA: Česká 163/5
Homemade Pasta: JEAN PAUL: Běhounská 4
Italian Trattoria: CASTELANA TRATTORIA: Novobranská 4
Vietnamese Cuisine: CAPHE CO: Jezuitská 1
Top Burgers: BURGER INN: Beethovenova 7
Modern Bistro: SOUL BISTRO: Jezuitská 7
Original Food and Concept: 4POKOJE: Vachova 6
A bit more fancy: KOHOUT NA VÍNĚ: Malinovského náměstí 2
Even fancier: ELEMENT: Běhounská 7
Best Fine Dining in Brno: BORGO AGNESE: Kopečná 43
Craft Beer: MALTWORM: Starobrněnská 12
Wine: JUST WINE: Dvořákova 1
Bar and Coctails: BAR KTERÝ NEEXISTUJE: Dvořákova 1
Coffee: COFFEE FUSION: Jánská 25
Sweets: V MELOUNOVÉM CUKRU: Františkánská 35

Brno is full of valuable historical buildings and interesting places. For a true feel of just how amazing this city is, here’s a list of its must-see locations:
You should definitely visit the two dominant hills in the city centre. On Petrov Hill, you can admire Katedrála sv. Petra a Pavla (the Cathedral of St Peter and Paul), and at the top of Špilberk Hill, you’ll find the city’s famous castle, which contains a museum and casemates. It was known as the harshest jail in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Close to Zelný trh (the Vegetable Market) is Stará radnice (the Old Town Hall) with the fabled dragon of Brno in its passageway, historical halls, and a lookout tower. The Brno underground promises unforgettable experiences, such as Labyrint pod Zelným trhem (the Labyrinth under the Vegetable Market), Mincmistrovský sklep (the Mint Master’s Cellar), and the second-largest ossuary in Europe. If you’re interested in sacred historical buildings, make sure not to miss Kostel sv. Jakuba (the Church of St James) and Bazilika Nanebevzetí Panny Marie (the Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady).
For more tips visit: GO TO BRNO (https://www.gotobrno.cz/en/explore-brno/go-to-brnos-top-destinations/)

Mgr. Anna Obrjen
se sídlem Cejl 99, 602 00 Brno
podnikající na základě živnostenského oprávnění
IČO: 87196859
nejsem plátce DPH
dle smlouvy o společnosti
s Janem Obrjenem